Wijma Kampen ramp up FSC production to 90% of capacity

Rumours of the imminent production of FSC certified Ekki and other species of tropical hardwood in Wijma Kampen B.V. have been verified this week as the first FSC logs were cut. Ad Wesselink, Director of Wijma Kampen has confirmed that “this new production will further boost and enhance the current supply of FSC certified Greenheart already being sold from UK stocks and will continue to provide the best options available for ongoing and proposed coastal defence projects and marine constructions around the United Kingdom.”
The Dutch timber trader Koninklijke Houthandel G. Wijma & Zonen B.V. a fourth generation family business who have been operating since 1897, have been at the forefront of the supply of FSC certified tropical hardwoods for several years.
Wijma Douala S.A.R.L a subsidiary of GWZ, despite mounting criticism from the market and its views of Wijma groups’ green credentials, achieved FSC certification on one of its concessions (UFA 09-021) in 2005. The first FSC certified supply from West Africa.
Whilst other hardwood producers put this landmark certification down to a one off or fluke and were adamant that the certification would be proved to be fake or at least revoked, Wijma continued to astound their competition and the hardwood market with the second concession (UFA 09-024) gaining FSC certification in 2008, thus doubling the capacity to 40,000m3 of FSC certified timber per year.
These are due to be complimented in early 2010 when the third of the three concessions responsibly managed by Wijma is audited for FSC certification.
One of the smaller sales offices of the Dutch timber giant, Wijma UK, followed the lead of their parent company in 2008 by securing sole supply of FSC certified Greenheart, Basralocus & Purpleheart from Guyana reaffirming the companies’ policy to source, offer and supply certified timber.
Rosie Teasdale of FSC UK said “FSC is always pleased to hear of new FSC products and the expansion of FSC ranges. It’s great to hear of FSC certified Tropical hardwoods such as Greenheart and Ekki becoming more readily available to the UK market”