+44 (0) 1603 813 500 | uksales@hupkeswijma.com

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FSC Basralocus trialed as Bournemouth hold the line

Wijma has supplied the first FSC Basralocus to be trialed on Bournemouth’s Groynes, as part of the £44 million pound project planned for the next 17 years that will delivered over three phases, and aim to protect the town’s beaches from erosion for the next 100 years. The first phase which started in 2015 will

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Kingsdown Groyne Replacement

Wijma were awarded the tender for the Kingsdown Timber Groyne Replacement, and successfully delivered Over 650 FSC certified Ekki piles on time and to specification. Wijma supplied 225 x 225mm (9 x 9”) piles between 3.00 and 10.00 meters in length, 7.20 meter waling timbers in 150 x 225mm, and 75 x 225mm planking in

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Restoration of Historic Docklands Jetty

Wijma has supplied over 110m3 of FSC certified hardwood and softwood to the half a million pound project to repair the Lead-in-Jetty at West India Dock, at the River Thames entrance to the West India Ship Lock, London Docklands. The historic timber jetty located on the River Thames and the entrance to the West India

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Grafton Head Lock Gates, Oxfordshire

As one of the nominated suppliers on the Environment Agency’s first ever National Framework for the supply of Temperate and Tropical Hardwood, Wijma was awarded the contract to supply FSC certified Okan and Ekki for Grafton Lock gates. Both sets of gates were due to be replaced at Grafton Lock in Oxfordshire, between December and

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